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Ellen Huyghe

Her story

Ellen has over 14 years of experience in the field of education, specifically on quantitative sociological issues, and coordinating teams on equal opportunities policies. Before that, she also taught social sciences in secondary education.


She is currently writing her doctoral thesis on the relationship between different types of femininity/masculinity in education. That through this approach, it seeks to highlight the diversity and (re)production of gender among adolescents and the way in which these influence their respective school careers.


Since 2016, Ellen has also focused on the challenges that teachers face on a daily basis in their profession. In particular through coaching sessions: questioning teachers about their successes, challenges and concerns. But also on their imaginations, shared or not. At the same time, Ellen was also conducting scientific research focusing on the organization of learning and evaluation processes. In short, the implementation of proven methods – in terms of teaching – is one of its main motivations.


This is why, in recent years, it has also been committed to the creation of new innovative schools, supported by scientifically proven bases. Helping her sociological base, Ellen seeks to deepen issues related to gender stereotypes, as well as to highlight Eurocentric reflexes, in education. In other words, how to transform the school into an environment where diversity, in the sociological sense of the term, flourishes.


In her free time, Ellen enjoys many sports activities, such as running, cycling and jazz dancing. She also likes to make her own clothes.


Ellen speaks Dutch, English, French and Portuguese




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